Dumbbells and Drama

Have You Been To Pune’s Only Open Air Spa?

We all deserve a break that leaves us feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the world. I usually plan these breaks around the weekend, especially Sunday, when I enjoy a long gym session and end it with a good sports massage or spa therapy. Those who know me well know my love for massages […]

#Diet- Pre & Post Workouts with Storia Foods

All those who follow me on Instagram know that I recently tried coconut water and some shakes from Storia Foods. Those of you who tuned in late, I shall tell you all about it in this blog post. Before I start, let me reiterate my views on diets, fitness and overall well-being. I am no […]

Mocha Is Back In A Brand New Avatar & We Love It!

Once upon a time Mocha, with it’s quirky walls, dim lit interiors and sheesha (and those Oreo Shakes) was a popular haunt for youth in Pune. You can only imagine how sad it made us to see one of our beloved cafes shutting shop. Four years later, on 5 May 2017, Mocha gave Pune a […]