Dumbbells and Drama

5 Problems Women Face At The Gym : A Survey

The other day I was surprised to see how almost no women had stepped into the gym during the weekend. I immediately put this up on my Instagram, asking women to tell me what makes them stay away from the gym, or what they thought could be a valid reason for women to stay away […]

I Doubled My Food Intake To Get A Well Defined Core

This year has been great so far, and as far as the fitness journey is concerned, if you follow me on Instagram you’ll must have realised how I’ve opted for lifting and gains earlier this year. I have gained a whole lot of muscle mass, and I have also moved up to a size 4 now, […]

Cheat Day With Smart Food- A TJ’s Brew Works & Nudo collaboration

There has been a sudden influx of health brands, with each one claiming to be healthier than the previous one. The time is right, seeing how everyone is taking up the fitness journey. But wait a minute, how healthy is your mayo and cheese loaded salad? How healthy is that multi grain bread? I’m not […]

A Full Body HIIT Favorite

I am back after a vacation, and I am SO excited to get back to life here. I’ve been inspired to do so many new things, I cannot wait to get started. Plus I’m stoked about hitting the gym and switching on that beast mode again 🙂 We walked around 20km everyday for 2 weeks […]